… and
INVITES YOU to RIDE … “The E×TRA MILE” The First of an Annual BICYCLE RIDE Fundraiser for those whom OHMS
serves. |
Bike Hike!
So… Just HOW will OHMS raise
money through a Bike Hike? Our
PLAN is to ask each Rider to help us. And this will work! Here’s
a mathematical formula to accomplish our $3,000,000
Goal: $100/mile
× 100 Miles per Team × 10 Teams per Day × 30 Days Here’s
how this applies to each Team and each Rider: Each
Team will Ride at least 100-Miles, with
each Rider being asked to “Ride ‘The
EXtra Mile’” = a Team Total of 104 (or 130) Miles. Because
you are a Team, your 100-Miles will be divided by
the minimum number (4) Riders for a Team.
So, each Rider of each Team will ride at least (100÷4) = 25
Miles each + an EXtra Mile! OHMS respectfully asks that each Rider ask 25 (and an EXtra 26th!)
friends to please sponsor One Mile with a Donation of $100.
30 Days, with 10-Teams of 5-Riders each Day, we WILL make it! |